
In this table you will find every adjective contained in the lessons. Have fun!

Word Pinyin Function Translation
adjective big, large
xiǎo adjective small, little
duō adjective many, much
shǎo adjective few, less
快乐 kuàilè adjective happy, joyful
漂亮 piàoliang adjective beautiful, pretty
shuài adjective handsome
nán adjective difficult, hard
容易 róngyì adjective easy
热情 rèqíng adjective cordial, warm-hearted
adjective hot
lěng adjective cold
高兴 gāoxìng adjective glad, happy
开心 kāixīn adjective happy, joyous
难过 nánguò adjective sad
伤心 shāngxīn adjective feel sad, be grieved
guì adjective expensive
便宜 piányi adjective cheap
xīn adjective new
jiù adjective old
duì adjective correct, right
不错 búcuò adjective correct, right
lèi adjective tired, fatigued
kùn adjective tired, fatigued
máng adjective busy
顺利 shùnlì adjective smooth
认真 rènzhēn adjective conscientious
kuài adjective fast, quick
màn adjective slow
清楚 qīngchu adjective clear, distinct
好看 hǎokàn adjective good-looking, nice
好听 hǎotīng adjective pleasant to hear
好吃 hǎochī adjective tasty, delicious
zhǔn adjective accurate, exact
厉害 lìhai adjective intense, tough, amazing
聪明 cōngming adjective intelligent, bright
努力 nǔlì adjective strenuous, arduous
重要 zhòngyào adjective important, significant
pàng adjective fat
féi adjective fat
shòu adjective thin
cháng adjective long
duǎn adjective short, brief
奇怪 qíguài adjective strange, odd
gāo adjective tall, high
adjective low
ǎi adjective short (of stature)
可爱 kě'ài adjective lovable, adorable
着急 zháojí adjective worried, anxious