
In this table you will find every adverb contained in the lessons. Have fun!

Word Pinyin Function Translation
hěn adverb very
dōu adverb all, already
adverb not
adverb also, as well
hái adverb still, as well
zài adverb again
常常 chángcháng adverb often, frequently
经常 jīngcháng adverb often, frequently
特别 tèbié adverb especially, particularly
zhǐ adverb only
可能 kěnéng adverb maybe
非常 fēicháng adverb very
tài adverb excessively, too
一定 yīdìng adverb certainly
肯定 kěndìng adverb certainly
一直 yīzhí adverb always, straight
zhēn adverb really, truly
差不多 chàbuduō adverb almost
比较 bǐjiào adverb quite
bié adverb don't...!
一共 yígòng adverb altogether, in all
jiù adverb then, already, just, right away
cái adverb just, only
刚才 gāngcái adverb just now, a moment ago
大概 dàgài adverb about, presumably
大约 dàyuē adverb about, approximately
几乎 jīhū adverb almost, nearly