Electronics vocabulary

In this table you will find every adverb contained in the lessons. Have fun!

Word Pinyin Function Translation
手机 shǒujī noun mobile phone
电话 diànhuà noun telephone
号码 hàomǎ noun number
电脑 diànnǎo noun computer
电视 diànshì noun television
上网 shàng//wǎng verb go online
打电话 dǎdiànhuà verb make a phone call
classifier machines
tái classifier machines
网站 wǎngzhàn noun website
下载 xiàzài verb download
verb send
短信 duǎnxīn noun text message
电子邮件 diǎnzǐyóujiàn noun email
微信 Wèixīn noun WeChat