School vocabulary

In this table you will find every adverb contained in the lessons. Have fun!

Word Pinyin Function Translation
学生 xuéshēng noun student
教室 jiàoshì noun classroom
上学 shàngxué verb attend school
affix before numerals to form ordinal numbers
中学 zhōngxué noun middle school
高中 gāozhōng noun high school
年级 niánjí noun grade, year
学校 xuéxiào noun school
初中 chūzhōng noun junior high school
jiāo verb teach
大学 dàxué noun university
学习 xuéxí verb study
文化 wénhuà noun culture
bān noun class
同学 tóngxué noun classmate
noun pen
zhǐ noun paper
铅笔 qiānbǐ noun pencil
数学 shùxué noun math
语文 yǔwén noun language
历史 lìshǐ noun history
地理 dìlǐ noun geography
jié classifier section, class
上课 shàngkè verb attend class
外语 wàiyǔ noun foreign language
体育 tǐyù noun sport
小学 xiǎoxué noun primary school
男生 nánshēng noun man student
女生 nǔshēng noun woman student
下课 xiàkè verb finish class
汉字 Hànzì noun Chinese character
课文 kèwén noun text (of a lesson)
发音 fāyīn noun pronunciation
语法 yǔfǎ noun grammar
词典 cídiǎn noun dictionary
本子 běnzi noun notebook
kǎo verb take exam, test
考试 kǎoshì noun exam
笔试 bǐshì noun written exam
口试 kǒushì noun oral exam
听力 tīnglì noun hearing (ability)
成绩 chéngjì noun result (of study)
fēn classifier fraction, grade
考题 kǎotí noun examination questions
黑板 hēibǎn noun blackboard