Time vocabulary

In this table you will find every adverb contained in the lessons. Have fun!

Word Pinyin Function Translation
时候 shíhou noun (a point in) time
时间 shíjiān noun (the duration of) time
星期 xīngqī noun week
周末 zhōumò noun weekend
shàng adjective last
xià adjective next
空儿 kòngr noun spare time
星期天 xīngqītiān noun Sunday
yuè noun month
hào noun day of a month
nián noun year
去年 qùnián noun last year
今年 jīnnián noun this year
明年 míngnián noun next year
tiān noun day
昨天 zuótiān noun yesterday
今天 jīntiān noun today
明天 míngtiān noun tomorrow
现在 xiànzài noun now
bàn noun half
noun quarter
fēn noun sports field, stadium
分钟 fēnzhōng noun minute
diǎn noun match, competition
小时 xiǎoshí noun gym
最近 zuìjìn noun recently, lately
早上 zǎoshàng noun (early) morning
上午 shàngwǔ noun morning
下午 xiàwǔ noun afternoon
晚上 wǎnshàng noun evening
白天 báitiān noun daytime, day
夜里 yèli noun night
以前 yǐqián noun before
之前 zhīqián noun before
以后 yǐhòu noun after
之后 zhīhòu noun after